Today of all fabulous days, you're fellow Internet blogger Sarah is now 16 on St-Patty's Day. The best part is that I can legally have my learner's license. My sweet sixteen so far has been fabulous and I have already received these fantabulous pairs of shoes that I have oozing over for a while now, and I get my driver's lessons which is fantastic. Anyways, this has been a great year of blogging, and you guys have been great. Hopefully I'll have a another great one. Happy St. Patricks Day !
(p.s: congratulations to Emmett, Jake, Jesse and David for winning battle of the bands last night a.k.a Earfood)

o my gosh I can't wait till I can get a learners...
Happy Birthday Sarah...
Happy Birthday!!!
Hope you had a great one!
You are 16,
Hopefully not very mean.
I guess you'll have lots of cake,
Or since you prefer sundaes destroy it with a rake.
Meet a boy as sexy as the Bloom
Then have glorious sex in a hotel room.
Happy Bday Sarah!!!
Hope you get everything you want! (and lots of love and health!) please let your blog peeps know how your bday went.
hap hap happy birthday!!
HAPPY SWEET 16! ohhh i cant wait until my sweet 16, go get your license!
sweet sixteen!- post your new fantabulous shoes!
Happy belated..
happy (late) birthday!
Happy sweet sixteen! Have a great year, life is best at sixteen ;]
oh, and say hi to frances for me! she left a comment on my blog but i dont know how to respond!
happy Sweet sixteen!!!
happy birthday and congrats to your friends
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