I was searching my blog on Technorati, and found a post on blog. So I checked it out , and guess what... There's a post that's exactly like a post I wrote a few months ago. All she did was change the post, added a sentence at the beginning and removed some description of clothing that was at the bottom. This unoriginal blogger is Estelle from Shopaholics Inc. (http://shopaholics-incorporated.blogspot.com/) On November 11th, 2006, I published a post on Bridal Dresses (http://fashion-and-sarah.blogspot.com/2006/11/hear-bells.html) I really like the post, and got good feedback from it. Anyways on January 20th, 2007 (more than two months later) Estelle publishes a post (http://shopaholics-incorporated.blogspot.com/2007/01/i-do.html) This was published more than two months later. I am completely appalled at her actions, if she would have notified me and told me she was using it. I would have no problem. But no, she didn't. She plagiarised my post, and tried to sell it as an original. She's worse than a knock-off dealer. But before you guys misconstrue me as being immature for writing this post. I sent her an email, but it turns out it another blogs email (www.neeoqia.blogspot.com) So I check out her blog, and Estelle stole her layout and email. The lady one odd ball, she takes other people posts, layout and email. So in the end, my wise words to you guys is be original, and check out her blog in case she stole something from you.
-Sarah (an original)
*sorry my link shortcut wasn't working. 

I'm absolutely speechless......
thanks for the heads up.
that is horrible
appalling! and i have left a message on that biatch's post. HA! HA! HA!
La Voguette
I randomly came by your blog, but yeah, that's crap! You should confront her about it
I hate it when people do that! What bitche's! They should have at least asked you if they could use the post! OMG that's sooo unfair to you! Thanks for the warning!
That is horrible, she has also stolen from the Fug girls @ Go Fug Yourself
I don't think people realize that it actually takes time to come up with an orignal post. I've had this done several times, and never said anything about it, but this pisses me the FUCK off!
good for you for calling her out.
Wow. that is just dumb. If you can't think up your own posts then don't bother blogging.
Thats really sucky!!!
She has also taken pics from Pink is the New Blog (surely big blogs like that have copy right on their work)
Estelle is a rat fink. IF estelle IS her real name!
holy shit! thats so lame!
and with blogging its hard to PROVE its yours....though i think the fact you posted yours almost two months prior speaks volumes. guess we'll boycott that blog, though ive never been there before.
YOU are the awesome original
Blogging is in part personal. Why would anyone bother to steal from another blogger? It seems so pointless.
Sorry she's so useless herself but, I'm glad you caught her!
yo son wack that biatch!
I like big butts and I cannot lie.
But little miss Shopaholic can. I bet she has an ugly butt to boot.
Some people just think that they can get away with murder and nobody will notice...
That sucks
If you look at her Feb 13th post on the Louis Vuitton, it's exactly the same as Closet Therapy's Feb 12th post, so it wasn't a one-off. I pity her that she can't come up with her own ideas so she steals other people's.
someone (www.tallones.blogspot.com) used two of my '5 things you don't know about me' pints and just changed a couple of the words and i was so pissed off.
but this is so much worse
your site is really interesting and informative... maybe that's why she stole some of your posts... and get famous with them... oh well... stupid things some people do...
Hi Sarah. This is Ai Queen - the owner of neeuqia.blogspot.com ...
I found out that the person who stole your post and stole my email and layout is someone named Yoko. Her email is at nymph_yoko@yahoo.com
I have emailed her regarding her blog. Though you would like to do so too!
Wow, that's really appalling. I mean, it's one thing for everyone to post about the same amazing shoes, or the same sales...but the exact same post???
Elo! Wpadłam na Twojego bloga zupełnie pezypadkowo. Szukałam blogów o modzie i natknełam sie na Twój. Fajne posty zamieszczasz, ciekawe zdjecia i w ogóle ok ;) Pewnie nic nie rozumiesz z tego co tu napisałam, heh... Następnym razem spróbije napisac cos po angielsku ;D Papa...
Such behaviour is boorish. I hope she will punishment!
Eww with the girl! Ewww!!
Be sure to visit http://copyscape.com/ to avoid this happening again. Sadly, people do this all the time and it is just such a shame. Keep up the good (original!) work.
omg.. i cant believe she'd have the guts to do that! she's totally copying and pasting other sites as well.. thats just, messed up!
what a son of a gun. lets take a vacation and hunt her down in shanghai
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